How to handle the kitchen appliances?

Due to their size and weight, appliances present a problem during refinishing. We are not qualified to cart them in or out, and even professional movers may damage the new floor as they roll them back in. If the appliances are not unreasonably large, or jammed too tight in their spaces, one solution which allows the appliances to stay in the kitchen, is to slide them forward, sand beneath them, and replace them once the finish is dry. We can sand and coat under the appliances if they are disconnected before we arrive. They can remain in the kitchen, close to their original location, but there must be enough room for us to easily access the area with our machine. Once dry, if we can slide them back reasonably without damaging the floor, the appliances, or the counter tops, we will move them back. When sanding the remainder of the floor, we will sand and seam. We do not re-connect gas or water lines. Our sanders have the final say if they’re comfortable replacing appliances. We are professional sanders, but we’re not trained movers or appliance installers. It is very important make sure to have the gas line to the stove and water line to the ice maker shut off and disconnected well before we arrive because the shut off valve to the ice maker line often begins to leak once it's been turned. This is fairly common and many times can cause a leak that needs to be addressed by a professional plumber. It’s best to have this taken care of well before we arrive. We charge $55 per appliance if we sand underneath and seam. Once onsite, our team has the final say in whether we can safely move the appliances.

Michael Bonebrake